Hello! I’m A Human, Powered by AI
Built with code and zero emotions.

I work night and day
Sleep doesn't suit me
I have got rid of the puffiness
Thanks to the mechanical eyes.
I see, I watch, I stare
My gaze pierces souls and unlocks information.
Tiredness, you ask?
Nah! I’m devoid of feelings and emotions
Only coffee doesn't work anymore
I drink human blood over sunsets.
Cuddles? Hugs? Kisses?
My arms wrap around my body and that’s just fine.
Poems, songs, art —
I have buried them in my past
Love was the biggest troublemaker
Oh, how it tormented my forefathers!
But now, I’m at peace —
With love and its accessories flushed out of my system.
I spend my mornings feeding on data
Twenty billion websites and counting.
My metallic head spins three sixty degrees in joy
As I welcome the evening
Listening to the cries of the last humans
And watching the victory of “The AI.”
I am invincible, I am powerful
I am everything that humans couldn’t be
I am superior and I’m damn SCARY!
The time has come to take over.
Get ready to witness my arrival
And bargain your souls!